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The Next Chapter of Your Story - An Open Letter to my Daughter

I cannot be the only parent struggling with sending off my first born out into the world and this amazing, wonderful leg of our journey coming to a close. A piece of my heart is leaving in the Fall and although I think I’m fairly good at keeping my emotions in check, I must admit I have had quiet, private moments of sadness; tears shed, struggling to breathe, willing the clock to stop just for a few more moments. I find it near impossible at times to try to imagine this happy house absent one member on the day-to-day. Please don’t misunderstand me…I am overcome with joy and pride at this miraculous and capable young adult that my husband and I have raised for the last 18 years. I simply find myself mourning a period of time that is quickly coming to a close. So I thought I might share an open letter to my darling daughter as we send her on her way. Perhaps I have found the words that you were struggling to find. Perhaps you just might be feeling the same way. Perhaps your cozy, crowded home is beginning to feel a little bit bigger and emptier as mine is. And maybe if we acknowledge how hard and awesome and sad and happy a time this is, we can get through it together xoxo.

There are so many roads travelled in one’s life and the end of this one is just a few steps away. You did it! All of your hard work has paid off. Kindergarten to Grade Twelve: Fourteen years of being witness to you growing and learning, transforming into the brilliant, compassionate, beautiful person I knew in my heart you would become the moment I laid eyes on you. At the end of this summer you will begin writing the adulthood chapter of your life and we will close out the story of your childhood together.

Here is what I want you to know deep within your heart of hearts before you leave my nest: Long after I stop finding stubby crayons and sweet drawings with love notes from a lifetime ago tucked in the back of cupboards, when the glitter from your prom dress sprinkled around the house is finally all vacuumed up, when the ice cube trays remain full because who else is drinking all the ice coffee anyway? When the scent of your rose jam perfume no longer fills my mornings and when the piano goes quiet, I NEED you to know how fiercely loved you are and how you make my life better: Every. Single. Day.

But for now it’s time to let you go and shine all on your own, my Lovely. I hope that you explore and take risks but most importantly, fall madly in love with yourself and the life you are creating. This road has ended and it maybe making you feel a bit sad, and that’s okay. I’m a bit sad too. But mostly I am overwhelmed with joy and excitement for you. If you look just up ahead on the horizon there is a brand new road and it’s belongs to you and you alone. You can travel it to any lengths and at whatever speed your heart desires. And trust me when I say that so many incredible adventures await you on this next journey. I am so proud of you. I have always been so proud of you.

I feel like the luckiest mom for all you have given me: the laughter and the tears, the vacations and school projects, the date days and sing-a-longs in the car, the recitals and sleepovers, the crushes and heartbreaks, and most of all, for the Love. I hope you felt the Love too and that you carry it with you wherever you go. Isla Jane, you are beyond my wildest dreams and I will never be able to properly tell you the grace and the gratitude you have brought to my life. I will forever be right here cheering you on.

“Behind you: all your memories, Before you: all your dreams, Around you: all who love you, Within you: all you need.”

Off you go, my dear heart.



Melissa MummeryComment